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When to See an Emergency Vet for Your Dog’s Limping

Some symptoms are sure signs that your dog needs emergency veterinary care, such as animal bites or infected wounds. However, there are others that may or may not require immediate medical care, depending on their severity. Limping, for example, is not always an urgent problem, but it is something you should bring to the attention of your veterinarian soon. When in doubt, you can always call Emergency Veterinary Hospital to defer to the expertise of our team. 

Assessing Your Dog’s Injury

If your dog is limping, you should carefully assess the injury. Gently check your dog’s paws for any sharp objects or injuries. This is a common cause of limping or strange movements. Note any signs of severe pain, including trembling, vocalization, and hesitance to be touched or handled. Dogs in pain may also show signs of aggression, so always approach injured pets carefully. If possible, check for a fever and feel around the injured area for any signs of a bone fracture. 

Signs You Need to Head to the Emergency Veterinarian 

Most often, limping is something that can wait until the next business day to be diagnosed by the veterinarian. If your dog’s limping goes away entirely, you may not need to see the veterinarian right away but do mention it at your next appointment and continue watching for other signs of an injury. If your dog shows any of the following symptoms while limping, it’s time for an emergency room visit: 

  • Dragging one or more limbs on the ground. 
  • Sudden inability or unwillingness to move. 
  • Extreme lethargy.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fever (temperature over 103.5).
  • Uncontrollable bleeding (wrap the wound and apply pressure before heading to the emergency vet clinic).
  • Excessive swelling. 
  • Obvious broken bones. 

Emergency Veterinary Hospital is here for you and your pets 24/7/365 in Springfield, OR. We don’t require appointments for emergency visits, but you can call ahead to alert us of your arrival. Dial (541) 746-0112. If you’re unsure whether your dog needs emergency care or you need guidance for assisting your injured dog to your vehicle, give us a call.



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365 Days/Year